As I look back on my life I really don’t know how I ever got through without our Father God. I shake my head at the thought of how that was even possible.
My story goes like this……
I was that teenager who did whatever it took to fit in, in order to not stand out. As a child, I very much looked up to my older siblings for a sense of direction on how to navigate the big wide world that lay before me . I can see how I was greatly influenced in my early teens and young adulthood by them and equally for good and bad reasons. I would do anything to fit in and looking back now I recognise how I changed myself so much over those years and how this way of living helped me to survive in an unknown land which became the norm to me..
I always Desired God from a child - I even asked my mum to get me christened at age 10. I would very often chase the nuns down in the street as a teenager and be intrigued by the JW'S. I would welcome a conversation with anyone who had a deeper connection with God. I always wanted to know more and find out about him.
At 16 ½ I fell pregnant with my daughter Te’aire. 16 Years later I went on to have her brother Harley. They both are such a joy and blessing in my life and I am grateful for the opportunity the Lord has given me to be their parent. The Lord certainly blessed me with two beautiful children. In both instances I found myself as a single parent, incurring a long line of failed relationships along the way.
In my search for happiness as a teenager, I embarked upon New age spirituality it seemed more acceptable than God to my peer group, but even as a teenager I was very much in the closet with my spirituality and practices - It was not until around 2008 when the book ‘ The Secret’ came out that the, ‘New Age’ movement became more acceptable and wide spread.
I was into it all! from self help, crystal collections, spells to seeking guidance from spiritualists. Reiki healings and angel cards readings, you name it I did it. I really couldn't get enough of it. But every time I was left empty or searching for the next spiritual hype to take me deeper into myself.